Why People in Sales Should Start Direct Selling / Network Marketing Business

To every sales guy or woman, I want to ask two burning questions:

  1. What is your work actually worth?
  2. Why should your salary be based on the company’s increasing sales?

Wouldn’t you want to explore an option where your efforts can produce direct results in the form of heavier pockets for yourself? Direct selling / Network Marketing is the fairest business model in the world for anyone looking for a career in sales.

But even within the ambit of Network Marketing, I have created a system called the Achievers System that goes one level higher to truly compensate for the hard work a salesperson does.

I have seen many hardworking people in sales in different categories of Sales departments across many sectors and industry in India, working very hard to bring the cashflow to the company. I can safely conclude that they are the heart of any organization. Their existence is the cornerstone for the company to survive and thrive.

However, even though sales people work harder than most other employees of the company, they are rarely paid anything remotely close to the contribution they make in the growth of the company. Most of them are underpaid, considering the physical and mental strain they have to undergo to complete their sales targets every month. The worst is that after all the efforts of the previous month, at the beginning of every new month they are again expected to start from zero, and the previous months efforts do not give any additional value or benefits to them in long run.

Sales jobs often require you to travel across India at any point in time, notwithstanding different climates and geographical situations, by undertaking high physical stress and discomfort for the sake of acquiring bigger clients for higher commissions. Such deals could take months, for which time they would have to be away from home and family.

To acquire clients, sales people often end up enter into lasting relationships with their clients, which is an unquantifiable, yet invaluable asset. These relationships sometimes last several decades, and the sales person is never compensated for these intangibles.

Now the big question

Are sales people paid fairly in relation to their actual contribution to total sales?

Not Really, if you look at the order sizes in relation to the commission share.

The manufacturer usually gets the best deal, where he pays the salesperson a salary and a one-time commission, and gets the customer for the long-term.

When the Sales person leaves the company to another for a slightly higher pay check, his past hard work and efforts to get previous customers gives him zero value in future. The company or manufacturer he worked for gets to keep the Customer and his business for a lifetime.

This is the crucial difference between traditional sales and Network Marketing. I have been in the system with our product partner MI Lifestyle, a Multi-Level Marketing Company that opts ​​for the network marketing sales model and pays me based on the actual value I bring to the company in the short and long term.

It is a simple system, where you are a person who makes a recommendation. If you convince someone of your product, you will receive a share as long as the person uses the product!

And as soon as the person to whom you sold a product recommends it to someone else, you earn a share of that too.

The business partners that you bring on board, who generate new sales for the company, also receive commissions for this. Since you are the trigger for this chain and jointly responsible for the fact that this sales flow for the company exists due to you, you would receive the commensurate returns for it.

Network Marketing is therefore the fairest system of all. But in my system, you will have an added advantage.

You may keep selling and earning in your own lifetime. However, when you are enjoying the fruits of you labour in later years through your downlines, they will not only benefit you, but also your future generations! Direct Selling / Network Marketing Companies go one step further give you the unique opportunity to pass your passive income on to your next generation!

This means that you have the opportunity to protect your children and future generations with our Achievers system.

To gift your most important loved ones a life that you may not have been able to give them otherwise. 

To give you the freedom that many people in normal employment are denied their whole life.

This is the beauty of passive income which is often not really understood.

This is a boon, especially in times of emergencies. My colleague at MI Lifestyle, Rajesh Pandit, was unable to work for health reasons for 3 months in his primary job. However, he continued to receive a monthly income of lakhs from Achievers system of MI Lifestyle, for the sales that continued to flow into the company through his team.

restaurant, paris, france

Taking a break from work is also much easier. I have been taking a break from work since 2008 regularly. I continue to enjoy Europe trips and other vacations of average 2 to 4 weeks and still continue to earn passive money. I work when I feel like working, and when I do, all I need is a laptop and an internet connection.

I am living off the fruits that I had sown years ago, through my own hard work. If at some point, I can no longer can bring the money to sustain a luxurious lifestyle that I enjoy today with my family, I know that my family will be secured with the same lifestyle through my passive income. In an employment relationship this is not possible. If you wish to take a break, or can no longer perform, the employer will no longer pay you.

Isn’t is fair that you continue to be paid appropriately for the profits you initially generated that continue to accrue to your company even in the long term?

This is exactly what the Achievers system is – a business completely WITHOUT risk. No risk of being left without a job. And you can start this system part-time with only 24 hours a week.

A lot of my business partners earn because I follow a proven system. We don’t have the time or the risk appetite for experiments! You want to follow a proven system that can give you a guarantee of success!

Keeping in mind the bigger picture that I have tried to show you, I hope that in self-interest for the long term benefits in future, every sales person will seriously consider working smart with Direct Selling/ Network Marketing business opportunity under the Achievers system and secure the life and future of himself and his family and live a prosperous, independent dream life that they always desired.

If you want to know how the Achievers system can help you personally to fulfil your dream of financial independence, watch my FREE WEBINAR now and TALK TO ME PERSONALLY about your chance in my successful team! Chat with me, please leave your name and a message here.